Author name: supportadmin

Uncovering Evidence in the Digital Age Welcome to the digital age, where our lives are entangled with technology in ways we couldn’t have imagined just a few decades ago. From smartphones and computers to social media and cloud storage, our digital footprint is vast and ever-expanding. But with this digital landscape comes a new frontier […]

Digital forensics security alert

Mobile devices have become intrinsic to our daily lives, storing a treasure trove of personal and sensitive information. From text messages and photos to app data and browsing history, our smartphones hold a wealth of digital footprints. But what happens when these devices become part of a digital investigation? That’s where mobile device forensics comes

Screen of a smart phone.

After every mass shooting or serious crime, the suspect’s social media accounts come under scrutiny to see if there was something that would have predicted such atrocious behavior. There are many other reasons for social media investigations, and In this blog, we will discuss some of them. Debt Collectors Often, when debt collectors want to

social media platforms around acirle

Once a crime is committed someone is sent to investigate it. It depends on the severity of the crime and the resources available in many cases as to who is sent. Some locations do not have the budget needed to have a dedicated team of highly trained investigators and may need the help of first

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