Cyber Security
What comes to mind when you hear the “cyber”? Well, anything related to computers, info tech, the internet, virtual reality and other emerging technologies could pop right in. It is safe to say that many people of this generation are aware that these technologies have opened our world to unlimited possibilities in terms of creating, sharing, and storing digital information of various kinds. Sadly, there are miscreants lurking somewhere out there, monitoring your activities online, and waiting for a vantage point to attack cyber space for various mischievous reasons. Cyber security came into existence to prevent such occurrences. It is a conglomerate of practices and technologies that are designed to protect devices, networks, and programs from malicious attacks and unauthorized access. Just as security devices like CCTV protect your house from physical threats, cyber security helps to guard your digital information and space from unscrupulous individuals.
Protection of sensitive data is the main thrust of cyber security. Today, we have seen an exponential growth of people using one computer-based device or another to get things done in smarter ways. According to Cyber security Ventures, crimes related to cyber security compromise led to damages that cost about $6 Trillion in 2021, stating that such damages would cost a lot more that those from natural disasters in the next few years. Similarly, Accenture claimed that “business disruptions caused by cybercrime attacks in 2018 cost large US companies $4 million on average.
There is an infinitesimal amount of data online, much of which is private and sensitive as well. For instance, a company’s emails containing financial transactions can be intercepted by a hacker whose intention is to commit fraud. This underscores the importance of cyber security.
Our company offers reliable cyber security whether you need protection from regular computer crimes or trendy cyber crimes like ransomeware, which is a type of malicious software that is designed to restrict access to a computer until a sum of money is paid as ransom. No matter the new techniques that cyber criminals must have developed, we are here to provide optimal cyber security services.
There is no business that is immune to attacks by cybercriminals. But some are more prone than others. Examples include financial service companies, technology and telecommunications, the construction industry, healthcare, government, and retail just to name a few. That being said, as long as your business offers services or sells products online, it is a potential target of cyber attack. Individuals also need cyber security, albeit on a small scale. For example, some online anti-viruses on PCs are good enough to prevent unauthorized entry.
As observed earlier, cyber security is of utmost importance at this time in history. Our reliance on technology has spiraled a lot more than before. Sensitive information such as credit card information, bank account details, and social security numbers are stored up in the cloud.
Also, new technologies such as the internet of things can make the need for the safety of private information even more essential. Cyber Security is not just worth it. It has become a need for anyone online.
Mobile security threats cannot but be on the rise. Every one of us owns a mobile phone and seems to use it for almost anything that a PC is capable of. You only need a good smartphone to get things done in a matter of minutes. This explains why mobile devices account for more than half of digital fraud worldwide. So, yes! Mobile devices need to be provided with good cyber security.
Yes, there is a significant difference between the two. While a malware is a program or code that is deliberately created to attack computer systems without the user’s consent, ransomeware blocks a user’s access to their data, granting them access only if a ransom is paid. If after a while the ransom is not paid, this program deletes the entire data.
The list of cyber crimes is a very long one. Cybercrime is something that can be as simple as using your neighbor’s wifi without authorization or as sophisticated a phishing attack, which involves a social engineering attack aimed at stealing valuable data like credit card details or login credentials through various levels of pretenses. Some of the common cyber crimes include drive-by attacks, DDoS attacks, Whale phishing attacks, SQL injections, Web attacks, ransomeware, eavesdropping attacks, and malware just to mention a few.